Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Furcraea foetida Mediopicta

Here is a new addition this summer to my garden that helped fuel my love (or is addiction) for unusal and variegated plants.

It is an agave relative.  Grows pretty large and has amazing layers of white and green.  They also bloom similar to agave, only once in 5-15 years and then die, usually leaving offsets behind.  Yet this one does like Agave vilmoriniana and not just flowers, but also produces hunderds of bulbils on the flower stalk.

Mature size can be 5-8 feet tall and wide, but in a large but not too large container can stay smaller for years.

This one does a great job of layers of green under and over white, each leaf a bit different than the last.

It is harder to zone 9ish, 25-30 degrees F, and has suvived my central coast brief frosts just fine and I see lots of non-variegated ones surviving to maturity around town.

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